10 Reasons The Yankees Vs Red Sox Rivalry Now Sucks

7. The Games Aren't Fun To Watch

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLLcIsYHyBE The dirty little secret about Yankees/Red Sox games is that they are incredibly long. The average baseball game should take around three hours to complete, maybe a little less. Yankees/Red Sox games on average have been much longer over the past few years. According to the New York Times, in 2007, the average 9-inning Yankees/Red Sox game took three hours and 51 minutes. Why do the games take so long? It€™s probably because the Yanks and Sox have been coached to be patient hitters, taking balls and strikes and pushing the count to full in many at-bats. Because the games used to mean a lot, there would also be numerous pitching changes, which eat up time while the relief pitcher warms up on the mound. Games that take longer than three hours are no fun to watch. If the Yanks and Sox continue this trend, people might start tuning out.

Justin has been writing about professional wrestling for more than 15 years. A lifelong WWE fan, he also is a big fan of Ring of Honor.