6. Bandwagon Fans
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iSVRMmUGgyI Fans love a winner. Many fans love a winner so much that theyll be willing to hop on board with a team that might not be in their geographic location simply because they win. By contrast, die-hard fans will stick with a team through thick-and-thin, regardless of the teams success. Up until 2004, the Red Sox Nation was made up primarily of die-hard fans. They had to be; it had been more than 80 years since the Sox won the World Series. Some Red Sox fans were born, lived full lives, and died without a championship. In the meantime, the Yankees had won more than 20 during that span. That stirred some serious venom in Red Sox fans, and added some heat to the rivalry. In the past 10 years, since winning three world championships, Red Sox Nation has grown to include bandwagon fans who only became Red Sox fans because they won. The venom of the die-hards was suddenly mixed in with the ambivalence of the bandwagon fans who dont really care about the success of the Yankees because their team has been successful as well.
Justin Seagull
Justin has been writing about professional wrestling for more than 15 years. A lifelong WWE fan, he also is a big fan of Ring of Honor.
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