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10 Reasons To Take Up Running

2. It Alleviates Stress

Running Man Kyle Cassidy

Stress is a very dangerous thing. In addition to the immediately apparent psychological impact it has, there are likewise some pretty severe physical side-effects. As your brain - and in turn your body - diverts its attention to combating the problem, consequences begin to manifest. The heart can start to struggle, the immune system weakens, and fat piles up. Stress is a hugely underestimated affliction.

So how can running help? First and foremost, many of these symptoms of stress are directly addressed by exercising. Fat, in particular, is no match to the might of a run. But can running also alleviate the causes of stress?

It's not hard to imagine how doing something you enjoy can lift a load off your mind, but there's a clear medical reason. Endorphins, those same magic bullets which help make running so much fun, also play a crucial role in fighting stress and a whole catalogue of associated mental illnesses. As an added bonus, they are also linked with a boosted immune system and slowing the ageing process!

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