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10 Reasons To Take Up Running

3. It's FUN!

Running Man Kyle Cassidy

It should be fairly apparent that by giving you a huge sense of achievement, allowing you to make super new mates, improving your fitness (and your waistline) AND giving you time to get through all those Mozart symphonies, all with little in the way of effort, running can bring a great deal of joy.

But did you know there's an actual, biological reason that makes running such good fun? In addition to everything mentioned above, when we run (as with any exercise), our body releases endorphins, a natural opiate which triggers receptors in our brain. The result of this is a feel-good effect: the proverbial 'runners' high'.

And unlike other 'highs' which manufacture this effect, it's totally legal, and totally free. It's the best kind of high available on the street.

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