10 Reasons UFC Should Bring Back Paul Daley

4. Dana Goes Back On His Word. A Lot.

The amount of times Dana White has said "This will never happen again.", only for it to happen again is uncountable. He said women's MMA would never be a part of the UFC. He said Karo Parisyan would never fight in the UFC again after he pulled out of UFC 106 (He later featured on the UFC 123 card, and lost anyway). When BJ Penn went to go to Japan, he would never fight in the UFC again. When Chuck Liddell got knocked out by Shogun Rua, he would also never fight in the UFC again. Now women's MMA has Dana drooling at the mouth. With the constant praise for Ronda Rousey's skills as well as the new acquisition of Holly Holm and potential arrival of Gina Carano. Dana has not lost out from going back on his word in this instance. He wouldn't with the signing of Paul Daley either. Daley has proven on the fight scene outside of the UFC that he is one of the best in the world and the UFC should always be looking for a talent of his ability.
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Dana White
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