Lets start by saying that Tiger Woods is arguably the best player in the world to ever tee up a golf ball. It is likely that he will win some more major championships in the years to come following his back surgery and maybe he will even take on the all time record set by Jack Nicklaus of 18 major titles - he is currently 4 behind with 14 and has not won a major championship since 2008. With an average of just less than 1 win for every 4 tournaments entered when the usual average for top 20 players is around 3 in every hundred tournaments Tiger Woods really is head and shoulders above the rest of the pack when he is playing well. Like any athlete come celebrity however, there are certainly plenty of moments that Tiger Woods would likely prefer if his fans forgot. The breakdown of his marriage and the unfurling of his less than squeaky clean personal life shattered his image in 2009 and his golf game felt the ripple effect of his actions. Tiger Woods career is an anomaly in any sporting field as there are so many highlights to point out that when he is not playing absolutely perfectly he becomes hounded by the media with questions of what on Earth could be wrong with his game. The truth of it is, from a purely golfing standpoint, the things that Tiger wants you to forget are just as impressive as the things he wants you to remember. That being said, this list is a collection of all the things, some worse than others, that Tiger Woods would probably rather both you and he could forget and move on from. It seems, in the last few years, that he has begun to do so and so have the public. As they say in the golf industry, when Tiger plays, they get paid.
Thomas is currently a postgraduate student of literature at the University of St. Andrews. He enjoys music and golf in his spare time when he isn't writing. Tom completed his first novel in the summer of 2013 which was published at the start of this year. Next year he is going to be working as a teacher in Dubai, continuing his research, and writing as much as possible. Follow on Twitter @Tom_Andrews91