10 Twitter Accounts Every Sports Fan Must Follow

8 & 7. Informative And Around The Globe

Sky Sports Profile

Interested in sport in your country? Interested in sport in other countries? Interested in a variety of sports? Then these two twitters are ones for you! Both run by major news corporations, they offer an in-depth analytical view on the news of sport live as it happens. These two twitters are either foxsports @FOXsports or Sky Sports news @SkySportsNews. These two accounts also have subsidiaries that focus on specific sports, but if you want a whole hearted coverage, then the main bases are for you!

Sky Sports News is run out of England, and is a great place to go (or follow) if you are a fan of football. They also cover tennis, cricket and rugby union. These are the sports that are played primarily in England, and are as such the ones that they cover most. What is commendable for SkySports is that they reflect on a variety of issues and are willing to keep you up to date with everything.

Sky Sports1

FOXSports is different, yet very much the same. FOXSports is based out of a variety of countries, which is an extreme benefit for the wide spread sporting community. Here is a small list of the different FOXSports affiliates:

America: @FOXSports

Australia: @FOXSportsnews

Netherlands: @FOXSportsnl

These affiliates cover the sports that are most common in their area- which is great, because it allows people to read about the sports that they are truly interested in.

Fox Sports ProfileFox Sports 1

Fox Sports and Sky Sports are not sport specific, which may turn others off- but for those who believe in the "all sports are equal" and "all sports are interesting" then this is the account for you!

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Hayley Goodacre: a girl who loves too hard, reads too fast and plays too competitively.