10 Worst Spurs Managers Of The Premier League Era

1. Christian Gross

Christian Gross was an extremely bizarre appointment by then Spurs chairman Alan Sugar - and not just because nobody had heard of him. He had won the Swiss Cup and two Swiss league titles with Grasshopper Zurich prior to joining the Lilywhites in 1998, but the Swiss league is a completely different ball game to the Premier League and that definitely showed as, at the time, he was very much out of his depth in England. His odd behaviour and strange coaching methods alarmed Spurs fans and didn't pay off on the pitch. He had an obsession with public transport and sandals, insisting on travelling to work on the tube to experience what the fans experienced and making the players wear sandals to keep their feet in good shape. He actually arrived at his first Spurs press conference late, brandishing a London Underground ticket with the words "I want this to become my ticket to the dreams" scrawled across it... which was kind of creepy. His Premier League record with Spurs stands at 26 games, 9 wins, 7 draws and 10 losses. He arrived in November and was sacked the following September - with his record at the time of his sacking showing just 3 wins in his last 10 matches. So there you have it - the ten worst Spurs managers of the Premier League era. Did you enjoy this article? Do you agree with the entries on the list? Who else should have made it on to the list? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below. And please feel free to follow me on Twitter!

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.