11 Things That Only Amateur Footballers Will Understand

6. Mucking In

Putting Up Goal Posts Mucking in means your role as an amateur footballer is not actually limited to playing football. While some clubs are naturally more organised than others, at some point in an amateur footballer's career it's certain he'll have to perform a variety of challenging, yet rewarding roles. Such roles include €” but aren't limited to €” administration (looking after team sheets); accountancy (chasing up late subs); and even construction (erecting goal posts with a little attacker on your shoulders who's securing the net). Starting as substitute can also often lead to the dreaded question, 'do you mind running the line?', which you absolutely mind doing as it's the worst kind of mucking in there is. Nonetheless, you transform yourself into a linesman, try overly hard not to cheat all the while suffering a load of abuse from not only the other side, but your own team-mates as well for not cheating enough.
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Recent English graduate and Newcastle United nut. Rom-Com enthusiast, Bob Dylan fan-boy and expert poacher of eggs.