25 Players Who Stole A Living From Rangers

14. Basile Boli

If ever there was a footballer who fit nicely into the core values of Rangers Football Club, it was Basile Boli. Uncompromising and possessing a fiery spirit and will to win, Boli should have been a rip-roaring success story, instead of what he actually was, a one-season damp squib of a player. A wildly successful 4 year stint with Marseille yielded a number of Ligue 1 titles, along with the first ever Champions League trophy in 1993. Match-fixing allegations plagued the French side, and they were relegated and shamed, meaning they had to release a lot of their best talent. Ironically, Rangers had been one of the sides Boli helped knock out on his way to European glory, and he signed in 1994. Only lasting one full season, the defender-come-midfielder was someone fans really wanted to like, but he never seemed quite as passionate about playing in Scotland as he had in France, and it seemed like he was coming to the end of his career, comfortable to just be mediocre.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.