25 Players Who Stole A Living From Rangers

13. Christian Nerlinger

Rangers fans must have thought they were onto something when Christian Nerlinger signed in 2001. Previously, the man had been a huge part of good Bayern Munich and Borussia Dortmund teams, winning titles with the former and helping keep the latter in the mix. Joining on at Ibrox under Dick Advocaat, a few early goals seemed to suggest that Nerlinger was going to be quite the winner, and there were even some supporters comparing the man to another German favourite, Jorg Albertz. A far cry from 'The Hammer', Nerlinger should have been known as 'The Bench', because he spent a lot of time sitting on it. Injury-prone and seemingly uninterested in proving to people that he wasn't simply there to pick up a wage, Christian only managed 25 games during a 3 year spell at Ibrox, and was shipped back to Germany (presumably with an angry letter) in 2004. Nerlinger should have been golden, but he couldn't live up to his reputation.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.