5 Reasons To Watch Kronum (Even Though You've Never Heard Of It)

4. Versatility

Each player brings something different to the table in Kronum. Each team has its own flavor. With a remarkably diverse arsenal, the perfect team can take advantage of every scoring opportunity in every area of the field. Each team has 10 players on the field filling one of three key roles: Crossers usually occupy the middle of the field so their team can always get a ball into the prime ring, whether to score a critical high-point shot or get an offensive turnover for their team. Rangers function sort of as point guards or midfielders. They roam the flex zones and can also add another layer to their team's defense. Wedgebacks are a team's primary goaltenders while on defense. These are the guys who have the most soccer experience and can work best with their feet in the wedge. With this kind of a mix one one team alone, the diversity of styles of play contributes enormously to the excitement of each game. The best Kronum players are the guys who've tried their hand at just about every sport, making Kronum a truly athletic game. Some teams inevitably take a more hands-based offensive approach with their play; others have a decidedly more soccer-based method. The melding of opposing styles on the field of play in Kronum means that no matter what your preferred method of play is, you'll have something to keep you watching. Whether it's a basketball-style backdoor cut for a quick 2 points, a roll-in for a soccer-style shot on goal from the wedge, or a pinpoint 8-point Kronum for a huge momentum swing, you simply never know what's going to happen in a Kronum game.
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I am an aspiring fantasy author and all-around comic book, literary and film fanatic. Nothing makes me happier than to write about the things I love for people who love the same.