5 Reasons To Watch Kronum (Even Though You've Never Heard Of It)

3. Intensity

All this talk of scoring and ways to score kind of states the obvious that Kronum is a high-scoring game. But there's more to it than "he who has the most points wins." Some of the best Kronum games I've seen are incredibly close, decided by maybe five points or less. The fact that a player can make an 8-point shot in Kronum means that no lead is truly safe. Many times, especially in American football (Super Bowl XLVIII being a prime example), a game can be decided by halftime, unless a miracle play happens on a given drive in the 4th quarter. In Kronum, miracle plays can happen at any time on either side of the ball. And that's why this writer keeps watching, and can watch the same game over and over again. An offensive play is only as dramatic as the defensive play that attempts to withstand it. With no shot clock, you begin to see patterns in different teams' styles and approaches, and strategy takes over. One goal may be simply impossible to score on, but that's the benefit of having four goals on the field. No one player is standing still, and on a dime they have to be aware of a pass or a slacking wedgeback, and be able to take advantage of that opportunity. In essence, Presentation + Versatility = Intensity.
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I am an aspiring fantasy author and all-around comic book, literary and film fanatic. Nothing makes me happier than to write about the things I love for people who love the same.