Jon Fitch probably has the strongest claim against the UFC. See, while Fitch did make over a million dollars in the UFC, that's not the only point. He was once fired from the UFC for refusing to sign over the rights to his likeness to the company in perpetuity. That's right - for his entire lifetime, even after he no longer worked for them. According to Fitch
Working for free and selling our rights away for lifetime, thats a little different. We tried to negotiate five- or 10-year deals with them, but it wasnt good enough. It was all or nothing. He wanted our lifetime. He wanted our souls forever He wanted us to sign merchandising agreement, and it was not a very good agreement. There was not really a reason for us to sign it. The first thing they brought to us was for us to sign all of our rights away for everything forever. It was for very small compensation, and there was no compensation for family members if we were to die. We could die and they could make memorial figurines and stuff and make thousands, millions of dollars, and our families wouldnt see a penny of it. The way they bring the contracts and stuff to us, I dont know, its just not how business is done.
Definitely questionable behaviour on the part of the UFC. Fitch was also cut arguably while still a top ten fighter, and has since signed with the WSOF, where he challenged for the welterweight title and lost.
Primarily covering the sport of MMA from Ontario, Canada, Jay Anderson has been writing for various publications covering sports, technology, and pop culture since 2001. Jay holds an Honours Bachelor of Arts degree in English from the University of Guelph, and a Certificate in Leadership Skills from Humber College.