7 Reasons Aaron Ramsey's Injury Crippled Arsenal's Season

4. €œDad, What Does Penetration Mean?€

€œWell, why don't you sit down son and I'll tell you. You see, long ago in 2014, there was a Spaniard called Mikel Arteta who spent 34 minutes shaving every day. He was a football player who played in centre midfield- they wore boots and played on grass back then. €œAnyways, this man, Arteta, he used to pass the football- that's when you kick it softly to a team mate- but due to either a radical lack of creativity or depth perception, only used to pass the ball sideways or backwards.€ €œWhat's wrong with doing that, Dad,€ the bright eyed boy asked. €œWell, the goal- that's this big white net which you were supposed to kick the ball into, was always in front of you,€ came Papa's reply, €œand if you wanted to win any given match, you had to do just that but because this man Arteta couldn't pass forward, that made it very difficult for his team to win.€ €œSo, what's that got to do with penetration?€ the boy mused, €œI thought it was when you-€ €œEr, well no son, that's not the case. See, what this team- Arsenal- did, was, one day, they brought a man called Aaron onto the pitch, who COULD play it forward and did so whenever he could and the manager said to Aaron: 'Well, Aaron, you stay next to Arteta, so when he passed it sideways to you, you can get it forward so we can score' and Aaron did that and Arsenal scored goals and they won matches and it became known as penetration. They famously equalised in a match against Wigan Athletic this way.€ €œOhhhhh, so then, it wasn't that other th-€ €œNo, son.€

Betting on being a brilliant brother to Bodhi since 2008 (-1 Asian Handicap). Find me @LiamJJohnson on Twitter where you might find some wonderful pearls of wisdom in a stout cocktail of profanity, football discussion and general musings. Or you might not. Depends how red my eyes are.