Arsenal Transfers: 5 Right-Backs Who Could Replace Sagna

3. Calum Chambers

John Walton/EMPICS SportJohn Walton/EMPICS SportYet another exciting prospect to have graduated from Southampton€™s exceptional academy, despite his tender years Arsenal have reportedly already been monitoring Calum Chambers for some time already. Though he doesn€™t posses quite the same experience as fellow Saints fullback Luke Shaw who recently looked promising in the World Cup, the England Under-19 captain only made his breakthrough into the first team last season and still managed to rack up 22 league appearance. Chambers has the blistering pace to rival any of the world€™s current leading offence-minded fullbacks and is relatively tall to aid him in aerial battles. Chambers would make an extremely prudent replacement for Sagna. In his first season competing in the Premier League he proved that age is but a number, rising to the massive pressure of some crucial games at St. Marys and looking impressive in them. His youth also makes the right back a better long term option to some of the more senior right-backs the North London club are rumoured to be considering such as Christian Maggio (32) and Juanfran (29). The sale of this young prospect would make sense to Southampton from a financial standpoint as their most recent accounts showed that they still had £27-million to be paid in outstanding transfer fees as well as £30-million for their new training complex. A cash injection from the sale of Chambers would help greatly in the realignment of their accounts, though Arsenal will surely have to fight tooth-and-nail to fend off the inevitable interest from other clubs.

Hailing from South East London, Sam Heard is an aspiring writer and recent graduate from the University of Warwick. Sam's favourite things include energy drinks, late nights spent watching the UFC with his girlfriend and annihilating his friends at FIFA.