Every FIFA World Cup Winner Ranked From Worst To Best

17. West Germany 1954

Another example of the World Cup toying with its format before finally settling on a winning formula, the 1954 tournament saw West Germany crowned surprise champions.

With 16 teams divided into four groups of two unseeded teams and two seeded teams, four group games were then played between seeded and unseeded sides. The tournament in Switzerland was also notable for extra time being deployed in the group stage to decide games, as well as several play-off games from the group stage.

West Germany having sent out the reserves to lose 8-3 against Hungary earlier in the tournament, so as to draw Turkey in the later stages, arrived at the final against the same opposition as rank outsiders.

Despite Hungary’s 32 game unbeaten run, their knockout matches, including the Battle of Berne against Brazil, had been particularly physical affairs which seemingly took a toll on the side. Hungary, however, still dominated the final. But through a series of controversial refereeing decisions and clinical play by the Germans, who were aided by the dominant performance of centre half Werner Liebrich, they were defeated in an incredible 3-2 upset.

Claims of West German doping and several refereeing errors mar the victory, but the German side still overcame one of football’s greatest ever sides.

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