Man Utd Transfers: 5 Cheaper Alternatives To Cristiano Ronaldo

1. James Rodriguez

Last, but certainly not least, is James Rodriguez of FC Porto. The intoxicating Colombian is now into his third season with the Portuguese giants, producing a consistent vein of good form that has not gone unnoticed in Europe. Like the rest of the preceding candidates, Rodriguez is an attacking player with plenty of dexterity, able to shift from the left wing to the right, whilst also proving to be effective in behind a target man. In the year gone by, Rodriguez has been dubbed as the €˜Colombian Cristiano Ronaldo€™ and is likened to the Madrid maestro more than most of his contemporaries. Rodriguez has been linked with United on numerous occasions, with the Daily Mail reporting in November that Ferguson had already had the player watched seven times since the beginning of the season. They said that United will sanction the transfer of the erratic Nani in order to finance a move for Rodriguez, a deal that perhaps many fans will be eager to see. Rodriguez is blessed with speed and an eye for goal, while also being held in high esteem as a selfless individual who puts the team before himself. He is a cogent playmaker who is frequently involved in Porto€™s major attacking moves, and has contributed a healthy 8 goals to the cause so far. After racking up 14 in the previous campaign, scouts from Europe€™s elite began to take notice of the 21 year old, primed to make plenty of more strides in the coming years. Expect United to play their part in any upcoming negotiations. Which of these options do you think is the best? Should United spend big and go for Ronaldo? Share your thoughts below.

A university graduate with a keen enthusiasm for culture, sport, and outrageous news. My heroes are Charles Bukowski, Jimi Hendrix, Robert De Niro, and the magnificent Zinedine Zidane.