Man Utd Transfers: 5 Reasons David Moyes Must Be Careful If He Wants To Rebuild His Squad

1. There Is No One Else To Blame Once It's Your Own Squad

I think we would all agree that this is the biggest risk to Moyes. This season he can get away with results to some extent because he can simply say that it€™s not his squad, and it€™s a transition to playing the way that he wants to play. Of course, it€™s still a very good squad €“ but not players that Moyes has picked himself. This summer he has the opportunity to do whatever he wants with the squad as I eluded to in the previous slide. However, it€™s important that he treads very carefully if he wants to have a long future as Manchester United manager. There isn€™t much wrong with the squad, so wholesale changes simply aren€™t needed. Nevertheless, the manager has the ability to do whatever he sees fit for the club, but must do so in the knowledge that he will then have to explain results. Making minor changes this summer means that he will be much more able to say that the club are in transitional phase, but mass changes means that people will expect immediate results. As I suggested earlier, a slow start to next season is almost certainly going to cost him his job.

James Kent is a freelance writer published on Yahoo! Sports, Bleacher Report, FTBpro, Bloomberg Sports and many others. He has also been featured in the Daily Telegraph, Zoo Magazine, MSN Sport and the Manchester Evening News. His role on What Culture is currently to produce compelling football articles that nearly always use of combination of stats and strong opinion. Feel free to connect with James via Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus.