Man Utd Transfers: 7 Reasons Why Gareth Bale Will Join In The Summer

3. Limited Transfer Options Elsewhere

We€™re in the age of the superclubs. Ignore the arguments of La Liga having better pulling power than the Premier League, or of the Bundesliga having the best run clubs. Realistically there are a few top teams in the top divisions in Europe, all of whom possess bankrolled millions and better pulling power than the rest of the clubs in their league put together. If there is a hierarchy of prestige amongst the top clubs then Barcelona and Real Madrid would sit at the top of the table, Bayern Munich one rung below, then the likes of PSG, the Manchester clubs and Chelsea. These are the only teams with a realistic chance of signing a player of Bale€™s calibre. Barcelona we can safely rule out as a viable option. They already have their own superstar strike force, and transfers between the two heated rivals are rare. It could also be argued Bayern Munich have no need for Bale. PSG could afford him, and perhaps this is a possibility were it not for the points raised in €˜A Brit Abroad€™. So that leaves the top teams in England, two of which have spent the last couple of seasons downsizing in response to Financial Fair Play regulations. Talks of Man City needing to rebuild their squad in the wake of a disappointing season suggest blowing a sizable amount of money on just the one player would be unwise when other areas of their squad need addressing. And Chelsea have turned into a frugal club whose income nowadays seems generated from savvy sales of players such as Mata, De Bruyne, Lukaku and Luiz, amongst others. To suddenly spend the necessary amount required to capture Bale€™s signature seems all of a sudden un-Chelsea-like. Which leaves...

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