Newcastle 3-4 Portland Timbers 2 – NUFC Match Ratings

4. Shane Ferguson - 5/10

Standing at 5 ft 9in and weighing in a 10 stone 2 pounds, Shane Ferguson was picked by Steve McClaren at centre=half... But to be fair to the Northern Ireland international, he didn't do too badly when the ball was on the floor. He jockeyed a number of Portland's attackers well and got a number of crucial tackles timed to perfection. However, and so inevitably it actually hurts to type this, he was found wanting with the long ball which led to three of Portland's four goals, although the former Rangers' loanee wasn't directly responsible for any of them. Steve moved Ferguson to left-back in the second=half where he looked much more at home, linking up pretty well with United's man of the match Rolando Aarons. Although he couldn't stop the cross which led to the home side's fourth goal of the evening. A brave effort all round. He didn't let anyone down.
Content Producer
Content Producer

Video & written Content Producer for WhatCulture Wrestling. NCTJ trained journalist. BA Hons, Sports Journalism.