NHL: 10 Reasons 2012 Vancouver Canucks Were Just Like The Dark Knight Rises

4. Sex Appeal

Sedin Twins

Anne Hathaway€™s Catwoman suit scored more points in Los Angeles than the entire Vancouver Canucks team. On a related note, Anne Hathaway became somewhat of a fantasy among comic geeks. Vancouver has a love/hate relationship with a set of identical twins - the Sedins - who became somewhat of a fantasy among hockey pucks (a not-t00-flattering term for a hockey groupie, either male or female).

3. Over The Top Franchise Supporters

TDKR had a lot of supporting characters from previous movies that proved to have no discernible purpose for being there; the Canucks had those green men that annoyed players in the penalty box and viewers nationwide. The Batman also had a few thousand cops that did nothing to help the situation by running into a tunnel and getting trapped there for three months with nothing but grooming supplies while the Canucks had these guys who spent three weeks working on this video to little avail: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBQ1rmIbTjw

Been there, done that but not too well. Continually financially restrained. Now (and still) lives in Western Canada and talks some hockey and parenting on ogieoglethorpe.blogspot.ca and watching trailers on 2minutemovies.blogspot.ca.