Premier League: 10 Important Deadline Day Transfers

7. Pablo Hernandez - Valencia to Swansea

Swansea sold Scott Sinclair to Manchester City, then realised they needed to fill his pacey boots with someone who could do the same job. Enter Spanish international Pablo Hernandez for £5.55m. Swans manager Michael Laudrup has been busy improving his side this summer, using his vast knowledge of the Spanish game to find hidden gems like Michu and Chico Flores for manageable prices. However the fee for Hernandez broke the record for incoming players at Swansea indicating how keen Laudrup was to sign the player. The right winger spent time on the Valencia bench last season with the management searching for different formation options but he still played well when called upon. He is fast and performs best when bursting down the wing to cause trouble in the opposition penalty area. Hernandez told his new club's website: "It was my target as soon as I knew there was interest. There were offers from other clubs, but this was the only club I wanted to join."

Football Writer. Stratford AFC Goalkeeper. Writing articles, interviews, analysis, reviews and anything else that comes up.