Sunderland Transfers: 11 Players They Must Sign This Summer

5. Sebastian Coates (But No Other Loanees) - Liverpool

Midway through the season, the idea of keeping Sebastian Coates for an extension of his loan deal (or even a permanent switch) would have driven many Sunderland fans to despair. Now, however, after a string of heroic performances to help secure Premier League survival, the prospect of keeping the 6'5" centre back around doesn't seem nearly as nauseating. It may even prove to be a good move. The same can't be said of other loanees Santiago Vergini and Ricardo Alvarez. Neither enjoyed a good season at all; Vergini proved abruptly u-turned into liability territory, after what seemed like a promising end to the 2013/14 campaign, while "Ricky" seemed entirely unsuited to the English style of play.
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.