Sunderland Transfers: 5 Recent Players Black Cats Should Not Have Sold

2. Stephane Sessegnon

The tiny powerhouse of a player was a huge revelation in the attacking aspect of midfield for Sunderland and was a huge crowd favourite the minute he set foot on the pitch back in 2010. He has the ability to use both feet, can play on either wing, as well as a make-shift forward and has more tricks up his sleeve than Paul Daniels. He oozed confidence, something the fans really enjoyed, plus he took a pay cut to join from PSG which added that little bit of glisten to his arrival. Two seasons, 87 appearances, 17 goals (including a derby day one at St James' Park) and a Player of The Year Award summed up Sessegnon's impact as a player for the team. However, Under Paolo Di Canio reign, his form began to unravel and things went from bad to worse. Talk of him becoming fed up with the Italians methods - along with the other players - began to surface, and it wasn't long before he was linked with a move away from the club. West Bromwich Albion eventually snapped up the Benin international for £5.5 million on Deadline Day, once again leaving a bitter pill to swallow with fans, who thought that he would stay and thrive under Di Canio. Like Henderson, this left a huge hole in our attackers and although Jozy Altidore is slowly falling into that role now, Sessegnon's dribbling, balance and the effortless technique of riding a challenge is missed. What made it worse? He scored on his debut...against Sunderland.

A North East freelance sports journalist who contributes in both written and video formats, with particular interest in athletics and football. I also like to dabble in a spot of gaming as well as film, mainly comic book themed and reading a few too. I am Batman.