What If These 10 NBA Legends Were Drafted Earlier?

10. Jerry West

What if "Mr logo" was never picked second in the Nba draft and he was instead select first by the Cincinati Royals? He was a finals Mvp even though he didn't win the championship because he was so damn good, he won the All Star MVP once, part of the All NBA First Team for 10 times. Looking back at history, Jerry West is definetly eligible to be the number one overall in any NBA draft of the History. However, he was instead selected second because he came in the same year as Oscar Robertson, Mr Triple Double. Oscar Robertson was definetly one of the greatest point guards in the history of NBA. But what if these two went to the opposite team, Big O to the Lakers and West went to the Royals?

Would It Have Affected His Legacy?

If Jerry West went to the Royals, he would never ever be able to play against legends such as Elgin Baylor and Wilt Chamberlain. However, this would not affect his legacy but it might just be even greater. The difference between this two legendary point guards was that Oscar Robertson won the MVP once. If Jerry West went to the Cincinati Royals,he would have achieved same amount of success.Although Jerry West was more of a shooter, his assisting and rebound numbers were not that far behind from Big O. Besides, Jerry West shooting would have cover everything.

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