10 More Star Wars Facts You Probably Knew Deep Down

8. "Don't Get Cocky" Was Improvised

The Empire Strikes Back Yoda R2-D2 Luke Skywalker

With Harrison Ford being responsible for the creation of one of the most iconic two-word responses in cinema history, it probably won't come as too much of a shock to hear that one of A New Hopes' best quips came straight from the mind of the acting icon, too.

As revealed in an episode of the Russo Brothers' "Pizza Film School" podcast (at 15:35 in the video below), the source of many a glorious Star Wars fact Mark Hamill explained to the gang how Ford sprinkled some of his magic into an Episode IV dog fight.

Hamill was sat off-camera delivering lines to the Han Solo star when Ford just decided to come out with the instantly iconic "Don't get cocky" after telling a young Luke, who had just taken out a TIE fighter, he'd done a great job.

George Lucas wasn't exactly known for his ability to write believable dialogue for his many classic characters in this galaxy. So, there's likely always been a part of you that assumed one of the coolest lines ever uttered by Han Solo on-screen didn't actually come from the pen of the visionary director/writer.

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