10 Most Random Star Wars Appearances Ever

7. E.T. Phones... The Senate? - The Phantom Menace

Star Wars The Last Jedi Tom Hardy Stormtrooper

Long before the likes of Bane and the bloke who sang 'Never Forget' were sneaking into a Star Wars scene, George Lucas opted to throw a little nod to one of his pals, Steven Spielberg, into The Phantom Menace.

Queen Amidala's decision to cast a Vote of No Confidence during Episode I is eventually followed by the sight of a couple of alien species within the Senate Rotunda reacting to the announcement.

And it's during this moment that a pretty familiar-looking set of beings can be spotted waving their arms around at the news.

The surprising appearance of these members of E.T.'s species was Lucas' way of returning the favour to Spielberg, after his fellow legendary director had chucked more than a few Star Wars easter eggs into his movies over the years.

Remember Yoda's cameo in E.T.? And R2-D2 and C-3PO popping up in some hieroglyphs during Raiders of the Lost Ark?

But rather than find a way to make these little guys a proper part of the Star Wars galaxy going forward, the fact that Lucas and eventually Disney would barely ever allude to their existence in this universe again only makes their brief cameo feel even more random.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...