10 Star Wars Moments That Made Us Cry

2. Darth Vader Saves His Son - Episode VI - Return Of The Jedi

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

The last of the emotional sacrifices this list is going to make you relive, and that "end of Vader" that was mentioned earlier, Episode VI - Return of the Jedi's climax finally saw the return of Anakin Skywalker.

Oh, what a return it was.

As he witnessed his son being shocked repeatedly by the despicable Emperor, 'The Chosen One' finally decided enough was enough after being spared by his own child. Picking up Darth Sidious and dumping him right down a reactor shaft, this moment also symbolised Skywalker doing the exact same thing to the evil Sith Lord he'd become all those years ago.

That alone was the sort of triumphant, air-punching moment that will never fail to trigger a few tears of joy. 

However, Anakin's dying words to his baby boy a few moments later soon brought more teardrops, with his wish to see his son with his own eyes and comments of Luke being right about him and saving him all coming together to create a scene as poignant as it is iconic.

It's all then brought to a bitter end with a delicate and melancholic version of the 'Imperial March's legendary tune as water trickles down Mark Hamill's own face, just as it did our own.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...