10 Star Wars Moments That Made Us Cry

3. Obi-Wan Kenobi Senses His Work Is Done - Star Wars

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

A very different kind of sacrifice, but no less impactful, the legendary Obi-Wan Kenobi's demise during 1977's Star Wars is one that has caused a tear to be shed for a variety of reasons over the years.

During a first watch of this classic space opera, the sudden loss of the wise safety blanket of sorts was one hell of a gut-punch, with youngsters all over the world's bottom lips likely quivering at the thought of Obi-Wan not being there to save the day anymore.

However, with the knowledge of just how important this moment involving Darth Vader finally killing his master really was in the overall story of the Rebel Alliance taking down the Empire, rewatching this sequence has probably produced more than a few warm, happy tears, too.

In the space of a couple of magnificent moments, the great Sir Alec Guinness somehow conveyed to the audience with just a few facial expressions that Luke Skywalker witnessing his soon-to-be Force spirit master fall here would be the spark that ultimately led to the destruction of the Empire and end of the figure known as "Vader."

He did warn the Sith Lord that striking him down would make him more powerful than his old Padawan could possibly imagine, and knowing just how right he was here - as Obi-Wan would continue guiding Luke through the Force long after his "death" - is definitely enough to cause a bit of the ol' eye liquid to fall as he smiles at Vader.

It's powerful, earth-shattering, and hopeful all at once.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...