10 Terrible Star Wars Characters With ONE Incredible Scene

1. The Finale - The Ewoks

Star Wars Ki Adi Mundi Death

When it comes to the brave little teddy bears found taking down the Empire during Episode VI: Return of the Jedi, it tends to be a case of loving or loathing said Endor natives.

Those who adore the Ewoks and all that they bring to the Star Wars franchise will point to everything from the comical scenes involving C-3PO being worshipped like a god by the small creatures, to the heroic aliens using rope swings, rocks, and log traps to get the better of Imperial forces - a move inspired by the Vietnam War - as unquestionable original trilogy highlights.

But Ewok haters would be just as quick to roll their eyes at the silly idea of these tiny attempts to sell more Star Wars merchandise conquering massive Walkers and numerous blaster-wielding stormtroopers.

However, there is at least one scene each side can agree is a wonderful addition to the Skywalker Saga, and that's the very last one of the entire OG trilogy. The non-Yub Nub version, that is.

With the Death Star II destroyed and the Emperor seemingly dead (sigh), Luke, Leia, Han, and the rest of the gang celebrate alongside their Ewok pals, dancing into the night as fireworks light up the sky.

John Williams' Victory Celebration banger, the playing of many a defeated stormtrooper's helmet, Rebel pilots boogying with Ewoks, it's just the right combination of silly and heartwarming needed at the end of such an epic trilogy.

Then, after our heroes embrace and Skywalker takes in a few legendary Force ghosts, the entire thing concludes with a joyful, closing ensemble shot for the ages.

They may divide the fanbase, but these Ewoks threw one hell of a victory party.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...