10 Terrible Star Wars Characters With ONE Incredible Scene

2. The Battle Of Naboo - B1-Series Battle Droid

Star Wars Ki Adi Mundi Death

Sticking with The Phantom Menace for this next entry, you know those silly little mechanical annoyances found cracking jokes and generally being swept aside with ease for much of the prequels?

Well, before the B1-Series Battle Droids became one of the biggest jokes in the entire galaxy, these droids looked like they meant business during the Battle of Naboo.

Honestly, after first unleashing a few waves of Trade Federation fire from their tanks, the tension George Lucas was able to build in the slow and slightly horrifying deployment of the thousands of cold Trade Federation droid soldiers is still palpable today.

As the Gungan army anxiously awaited the incoming assault, the many Multi-Troop-Transports began gradually unfolding, dropping wave after wave of creepy little Gungan killers.

The combination of John Williams' terrific Trade Federation March and the visual of countless droids standing up like robotic zombies rising from the dead made for some seriously unsettling stuff.

The droids certainly had the odd cool moment after this epic arrival - giving the Jedi and clones a hell of a fight on Geonosis - but as far as individual scenes go, the B1 battle droids peaked on the fields of Naboo.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...