10 Terrible Star Wars Characters With ONE Incredible Scene

9. "The Belonging You Seek Is Not Behind You..." - Maz Kanata

Star Wars Ki Adi Mundi Death

Another outstanding actor who was largely wasted in the Star Wars franchise, Lupita Nyong'o's pirate queen Maz Kanata felt like a figure who would go on to be a rather compelling side character after her debut in Episode VII: The Force Awakens.

In the end, though, it turned out that this 1,000 year-old alien peaked during her first few minutes of screen-time in the galaxy far, far away.

Following on from a pretty engaging introduction which saw her reunite with old pals Han Solo and Chewbacca, along with meeting new heroes Finn and Rey, Kanata pops up not long after Rey's fascinating Forceback.

Here, the wise being not only explains that the lightsaber which triggered this bizarre moment belonged to Luke and Anakin Skywalker at various points, but heartbreakingly tells Rey that the scavenger already knows the people she's waiting for on Jakku are never actually going to return.

It's a seriously powerful exchange and one that is only made more moving after Maz states how 'the belonging you seek is not behind you, It is ahead," and begins nudging Rey closer towards the Force.

Outside of that memorable interaction with a freaked out Rey, though, the Force-sensitive Kanata's time in the sequels is largely spent doing very little of note, with the character soon going from intriguing new addition to forgettable background figure.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...