10 Terrible Star Wars Characters With ONE Incredible Scene

8. Vader Arrives On Mustafar - Nute Gunray

Star Wars Ki Adi Mundi Death

The Star Wars prequel trilogy certainly wasn't lacking in the offensive antagonist department.

But one of the most infamously bad villains to pop up in George Lucas' films was the Asian stereotype that was Nute Gunray.

Throughout Episode I, II and III, the Neimoidian Trade Federation Viceroy could often be found cowering in front of Darth Sidious' hologram, rivetingly trying to convince Queen Amidala to sign a treaty, and just generally being a bit of a bland annoyance.

But there was one quite satisfying moment the consistently dull Gunray ultimately found himself in the middle of: his own demise.

As a now-Darth Vader arrives on Mustafar to take care of the remaining Separatist leaders in Revenge of the Sith, the former Anakin Skywalker proceeds to brutally wipe out everyone in his path.

It's in this quite harrowing moment when the new Sith Lord comes face-to-face with the snivelling Gunray.

Despite trying to reason with the relentless Force-user, his desperate words were sliced through by a devastating lightsaber backhand as the whiney, deceitful villain was finally made to pay for his many crimes.

A wonderful end for a terrible character.

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