Star Wars: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Jango Fett

5. Temuera Morrison Also Couldn't See A Thing In A Star Wars Helmet

Star Wars Jango Fett Facts

It turns out that playing a Mandalorian killing machine all day is a rather strange job.

That's according to the face of many a clone and both Fetts himself Temuera Morrison, who revealed during an interview with Disney back in 2017 that wearing Jango's suit led to some pretty surreal and sometimes difficult moments.

Much like Luke Skywalker all those years before (or should that be after?), Morrison also couldn't see a damn thing when donning a helmet in the Star Wars universe.

And if that wasn't already enough to make the actor feel a touch nervous and a bit like an idiot as he attempted to not walk into any green screens, Morrison was also forced to act without any guns early on. Instead, he was told to simply point his fingers out like a kid play fighting with his pals in the playground.

Even worse, Morrison couldn't hear much when fully suited up either. So, when Lucas and the gang called "Action!" on set, he could regularly be found just standing there, not knowing what in the hell was going on.

Thankfully, the star settled into the costume as time rolled by. But in one of those first few days as Jango at least, Morrison mostly resembled a clueless Mandalorian statue with finger pistols.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...