Star Wars: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Jango Fett

4. Jango Fett Actually Helped Design The Training Programs For Clones

Star Wars Jango Fett Facts

Not only was the deadly hitman the template for the clones who would spend years fighting for the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars, but Jango Fett also had a hand in teaching these soldiers how to fight on the battlefield.

Each of the training programs the many clone troopers created on Kamino went through were created with input from the genetic template himself. But even though he was this heavily involved in their creation, that didn't necessarily mean Jango cared all that much about his many copies.

In fact, Jango once went as far as to label the clone army as "livestock" who were bred to die like "cannon fodder."

Tell us how you really feel, mate.

And if you were wondering exactly how the world-class assassin ultimately became the clone chosen one, that all came about after Fett won a competition that was arranged by none other than Count Dooku.

In the wake of that big win, Darth Tyranus asked the bounty hunter if he fancied becoming the aforementioned genetic template. And after agreeing on a twenty million credit fee, and being granted his request for an unaltered clone for himself, Jango was officially recruited.

And the rest was galaxy-changing history...


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...