Anna Gunn
20 Most Hated Characters In TV History
Justified or not, deliberate or not: the most loathed and disliked characters in all of…
Breaking Bad Season 5 Roundtable Discussion
An in-depth discussion on the highs, the lows, and what we think will happen next in Breaking…
TV Review: Breaking Bad 5.8, Midseason Finale: "Gliding Over All"
Season five has been all about Walt building his empire.
TV Review: Breaking Bad 5.7, "Say My Name"
Last night we said goodbye to Mike, the crotchety grandpa who was one of the best characters on…
TV Review: Breaking Bad 5.6, "Buyout"
“Buyout” is a fairly logical continuation of last week’s events.
TV Review: Breaking Bad 5.5, "Dead Freight"
Over the course of five seasons, Breaking Bad has never shied away from gut-punch endings.