10 Movies You've Probably Never Seen (Featuring Breaking Bad Cast Members)
With Breaking Bad now at an end, you may need something to fill that meth-shaped hole in your life. To accompany the recent WhatCulture list which gave you 10 Ways To Get Your Breaking Bad Fix Now It's Over, this one has 10 lesser-seen movies featuring 10 of the most featured cast members in the show. Some of the movies feature them in minor roles, while others have them standing front and centre. Also: the films range from being made prior to Breaking Bad, whilst others were made whilst they were cast members.
Unfortunately, I was unable to find suitable movies for two of the main actors. Both RJ Mitte, who plays Walt Jr., and Betsy Brandt, who plays Marie - these two had been involved in little film work prior to Breaking Bad and the show might be considered to contain their break-out roles. Instead, I opted to include two other notable actors who each have a more extensive filmography.
These films range from intense to schmaltzy and from great to so bad they're good. Almost all of them are enjoyable watches, though; even if to just to see familiar actors doing something besides their amazing work on Breaking Bad. If you're jonesing for more Breaking Bad-based immersion, hopefully the following movies will help to calm your nagging withdrawal symptoms...10. Jesse Plemons - Shrink (2009)