10 Biggest Advancements In Star Trek History

8. Tractor Beams

Universal Translator Star Trek Kirk Spock

For all of Human history, we have been trying to find a way to move things without actually touching them. Tractor beams are just that: energy projections that Starfleet ships use to hold objects in place or move them. These devices may seem mundane, but they've actually been very important for humanity.

Prior to their invention, the NX-01 Enterprise used magnetic grapplers instead, but they were much less precise and more easily disconnected. Tractor beams made it much safer to tow disabled vessels to safety.

Tractor beams also assisted with navigating shuttles in hangerbays, and could be used to deflect hazardous asteroids and hold fleeing enemy ships completely still. One thing that isn't often mentioned is how useful tractor beams could be for construction on Earth. Massive starship or building components could be moved into place with ease, eliminating the need for cranes, or large transport vehicles.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.