10 Biggest Advancements In Star Trek History

7. Self-Aware Artificial Intelligences

Universal Translator Star Trek Kirk Spock

Machines created by humans had become self-aware as early as the 23rd century, including V'Ger and Nomad, but these were all accidents. The first sentient AIs created intentionally by humanity were the Soong-type androids Data, Lore, B4, and Juliana Tainer. Their positronic brains simulated real brainwave patterns and were able to grow and learn over time (though Dr. Noonian Soong struggled to get the emotions perfect until later in his life). There is no question that a functional positronic brain is alive.

Later, it was discovered that holographic programs could also become sentient if they were advanced enough. This was what happened to The Doctor from Voyager and the Moriarty hologram from Next Gen. Exocomps were also recognised as sentient, and one, Peanut Hamper, was even accepted into Starfleet.

Building sentient artificial lifeforms was banned for a short time following the synth attack on Mars we saw in Star Trek: Picard, but the ban was lifted when it was revealed that the attack was actually carried out by the Romulan organisation, the Zhat Vash. At the end of the first season of Picard, we also learned of a whole new society of synths created by Bruce Maddox, and Dr. Noonian Soong's son, Altan Inigo Soong.

These Soong-type androids, sentient holograms, exocomps, and synths are not mere machines, but entirely new forms of life created by humanity.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.