10 Biggest Advancements In Star Trek History

4. Medical Technology

Universal Translator Star Trek Kirk Spock

A lot of Star Trek's medical devices seem miraculous by today's standards. Medical tricorders can easily read vital signs and detect certain conditions and viruses, laser scalpels allow for cleaner surgeries, and hyposprays eliminate the need for needles, but the most revolutionary medical device we've seen in Trek is probably the dermal regenerator.

These small handheld devices would automatically regrow any damaged skin tissue that they were shined on. They could even remove scars. They were typically only used for minor injuries, and couldn't grow entire organs or limbs, but they instantly healed simple cuts and burns.

They've been used in Trek countless times, but dermal regenerator technology has never been fully explained in canon. They seem to have the ability to mould skin tissue like clay. In the Voyager episode Warhead, Neelix used one to simulate fake plasma burns on Seven's face, and Chakotay used one in Workforce to reverse similar cosmetic changes. Neelix was just a beginner, but was still able to sculpt fake plasma burns on Seven's face in the episode Warhead, which implies that anyone who has access to a dermal regenerator can easily modify their face in any way that they desire.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.