10 Biggest Advancements In Star Trek History

3. Replicators

Universal Translator Star Trek Kirk Spock

Replicator technology can rearrange molecules to construct thousands of different foods, clothing, small devices, and other items.

World hunger was already virtually eliminated on Earth by the time replicators became commonplace in the 24th century, but it's invention gave humanity an infinite and much more convenient supply of food, and a 100% humane source of meat. Plus, they removed the need to store food at all. Any meal could be produced hot or cold in an instant and, if you didn't enjoy it, you could feed it back into the machine to be rearranged into your next meal.

They also allowed for things to be built much quicker and easier, leading to what was probably the biggest increase in production efficiency since the industrial revolution. In Star Trek: Prodigy we even saw a replicator that could construct entire vehicles atom by atom.

Although many people claimed to prefer the taste of 'real' food, there's no denying that the replicator was a game-changer.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.