10 Biggest Bromances In Star Trek

6. Jake & Nog

Spock Kirk Star Trek TMP Motion Picture Bros
CBS Media Ventures / Paramount Pictures

When Jake and Nog first arrived on DS9, there were very few kids their age living on the station, so the two became very close, despite both their parents' disapproval. Commander Sisko, however, warmed up to their friendship when he learned that Jake was actually teaching Nog to read in their spare time. Later, when Jake was considering ending their friendship in the episode Life Support, Ben actually convinced his son to try to work things out with him. Nog's father, Rom, slowly warmed up to Starfleet and Humans as well.

As the two got older, they remained close. When Nog went away to join Starfleet Academy, Jake was sad to see less of his friend, but fully supported and encouraged him.

When Nog was recovering from his injuries and trauma from The Siege Of AR-558, Jake tried to console him, but Nog was overcome with grief and hit him in his frustration. Despite this, Jake understood his friend's pain and did everything he could to help him in his time of need. It wasn't long before they were best friends again.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.