10 Biggest Bromances In Star Trek

5. Tuvok & Neelix

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These bros were literally merged into one person, so it's fair to say that they know each other better than any other pairs on this list.

From the moment Neelix arrived on Voyager and greeted Tuvok with a big unwelcome hug, it was clear that these two characters were complete opposites in many ways. Neelix's energy and over-the-top friendliness contrasted with Tuvok's stoic Vulcan attitude and made them a really interesting pairing.

When Tuvok lost his memory in the episode Riddles, Neelix took the lead in educating him, helping him cope with the situation. Tuvok began to really enjoy Neelix's company during this period, or maybe he always did, and was only showing it now because his Vulcan training was no longer available to mask it. Even after Tuvok's original personality returned, it still seemed like he had warmed up to the Talaxian.

Before Neelix left in the episode Homestead, he vowed that he would get Tuvok to dance at least once before Voyager got home. Then, right as Neelix got ready to leave the ship for good, Tuvok said goodbye by moving his foot left and right, finally giving Neelix the dance he wanted, before telling him a heartfelt 'live long and prosper'.

Neelix went in for a hug (just as he did when they met), but, realising the Vulcan would probably not like that, backed off and instead gave a friendly nod. This scene really showed how far they both came in accepting each other's differences.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.