10 Greatest Star Trek Feel Good Moments

7. Do Androids Do The Electric Slide?

Riker Troi Wedding Star Trek Nemesis

Data's Day. This little gem of an episode from season four of The Next Generation easily qualifies as 'feel-good' in its entirety, with a little Romulan deviousness as a twist. Data is recording his activities over a 24-hour period to assist Commander Bruce Maddox in a study. As he manages the minutiae of daily life on a starship, he must also navigate the bewildering behind-the-scenes of a human wedding for which he is father of the bride.

In his preparations for the marriage (of Keiko Ishikawa and Miles O'Brien no less), Data realises he will have to learn how to dance. Who better to teach him than the ship's own 'Dancing Doctor,' Beverly Crusher! On the holodeck, the lesson begins with a touch of beginner's tap, but Data's no slouch and so things quickly move to the advanced steps.

Data is so loveably and mechanically earnest that Crusher practically has to order him to stop dancing at various points throughout the lesson, to hilarious effect. The android's almost maniacal grin as his best attempt to "act like [he's] enjoying [himself]" is also pure feel-good for the soul. "Am I dancing, Doctor?" You may look a little like you're chasing an untamed ornithoid without cause, but yes, Data, yes you are!

Behind the scenes, Gates McFadden had been a renowned dancer and choreographer long before she got the role of Doctor Crusher on TNG. As such, it was McFadden herself who choreographed the routine on the holodeck, and both she and Brent Spiner performed it, although a dance double was used for Spiner during the overhead shots.

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Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.