10 Greatest Star Trek Feel Good Moments

6. Youuuu'rrre Oooutta Here!

Riker Troi Wedding Star Trek Nemesis

"Colonel, assemble the senior staff in the Wardroom now." ~ Captain Sisko plays ball.

Take Me Out to the Holosuite is much beloved amongst fans of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. Most of us at TrekCulture own a piece of Niners merch in one form or another (looking at you in particular, Clive Burrell). The season seven episode is a sublimely sweet interlude to the deadly drama of the Dominion War; fabulously flamboyant, carefree and comedic, and wondrously whimsical in the way Star Trek does best.

When the all-Vulcan vessel the USS T'Kumbra makes a stop at Deep Space Nine in need of repairs, the ship's captain, Solok, who already has vegan beef with Sisko (and vice-versa), challenges the station's crew to a game of baseball. Preparations for the match are as haphazard as they are hilarious as more and more of the station's familiar faces are roped in, stumbling over the arcane rules and rituals of the sport. Rom (who else!) also manages to cause a few concussions in the process. Oh, and can we replicate some of that scotch-infused gum, please?

The memorable Umpire Odo line "You're outta here" that sees Sisko ejected to the stands for a contact violation comes during the game itself, just after the equally comical captain's question to the shapeshifter: "What were you doing? Regenerating?"

In the end, the Niners lose to the Vulcan Logicians, but the former have the moral victory. Perhaps the most joyous and touching moment of the episode is the crew's post-match celebration in Quark's bar, much to the 'irritation' of Solok who levels accusations of fabricating victory where none is to be had. The crew laugh it off and give Sisko a new signed baseball for his desk.

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Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.