10 Legendary Star Trek Kit-Bashes

6. Curry-class

Star Trek USS Yeager

The aptly-named USS Curry appeared in the opening moments of Deep Space Nine's sixth season opener A Time To Stand. The directive came through that Starfleet needed to be seen limping back to Federation space with its tail between its legs. This presented a bit of a challenge to the special effects team, who now needed to show battered ships.

Dan Curry came up with the kitbash for the Curry-class in a few hours, joining the team in hurriedly putting together new models that they could wreck - thereby avoiding adding damage to the existing physical models as much as possible. He described simply raiding boxes of model parts at Image G, where the motion control elements were filmed.

The Curry-class is mostly a mash-up of the Excelsior and Miranda-class ships. The secondary hull of the Excelsior-class was pushed ahead of the saucer section, with the shuttle bay now facing forward. Curry took inspiration from WW2 landing craft for this.

Despite the ship only appearing on-screen for mere moments, its popularity was such that a model was commission by Eaglemoss for their starships collection.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick