10 Legendary Star Trek Kit-Bashes

2. Springfield-class

Star Trek USS Yeager

The Springfield-class ships were another of the Ed Miarecki-designed fleet that appeared, albeit briefly, in The Best Of Both Worlds, Part 2. It was seen burning in space by the time the Enterprise-D arrived at Wolf 359, with the USS Chekov being the only known ship of the class present.

The saucer section was built from existing Galaxy-class models, with marker pens serving as the nacelles, which were up and behind the saucer. Below the primary hull was a small pill-shaped secondary hull, complete with a deflector dish that resembled the Enterprise-D.

The original script called for the ship to be named the Checkov, after Pavel Checkov, as played by Walter Koenig. This would then be listed, by Shelby, as one of the destroyed ships. Two changes were then made. First, the ship's name had its spelling changed, now becoming Chekov, after the famous playwright.

The name was then dropped from the list that Shelby reads out, now becoming the Tolstoy, as it was deemed too depressing to have a ship named for an Original Series crewmember counted among the lost.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick