10 MORE Oldest Characters In The Star Trek Universe

1. Ruk

Dax Symbiont 300 years Jadzia Star Trek DS9 Deep Space Nine

Ruk is one of the oldest beings ever encountered by a member of Starfleet. He was created by the Old Ones, a race of beings that had disappeared thousands of years before the mid-23rd Century. Ruk himself is an android and boasts almost half a million years in existence.

He was discovered on Exo III by the scientist Roger Korby. Korby, fascinated by the android's technology, studied and reprogrammed him, slowly becoming convinced that everyone should be replaced with android doubles. Ever a man to practice what he preached, the away party from the Enterprise discovered that Korby, too, was an android by 2266.

There was a darker element, however, to Ruk's past. The Old Ones, frightened of the beings they had created, began deactivating the androids. Ruk was one of those who resisted, rose in protest, and killed his creators. By the time of his destruction, he was the last survivor of a race who, not unlike the Cylons of Battlestar Galactica, refused to suffer in service anymore.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick