10 MORE Oldest Characters In The Star Trek Universe

3. Flint

Dax Symbiont 300 years Jadzia Star Trek DS9 Deep Space Nine

Flint, or Arkharin, is a human male of such incredible age that it's hard to fathom. By the time the Enterprise encountered him, he had lived almost six millennia, accumulated countless lifetimes, and established himself as some of the most influential names in human history.

He was born with the ability to constantly regenerate his cells. He discovered this when, as a young man, he was wounded on the battlefield. Anyone else would have died from such a wound, but not so for Flint. He continued on, racking up years and yesterdays, even inspiring some of the greatest minds (and legends) of all time.

Though cut from the initial script, it was suggested that he was both Jesus and Moses, before the producers settled on having him be Lazarus. He was however Leonardo Da Vinci, and despite Kirk promising he would never reveal Flint's existence to anyone else, Janeway would later quip that Kirk claimed to have met the great artist. 

Flint was finally dying by the mid-2260s, which was due to his relocation away from Earth. After six thousand years of life, what must death look like to a finally mortal mind? 

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick